Health promotion and prevention

The aim of health promotion and disease prevention services is to improve the health literacy of the general population. People in underprivileged groups often find it difficult to access healthcare services. migesplus supports equal access to health information for all sectors of the population.

Abstract Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention

Health literacy

An individual has a good level of health literacy if their decisions have a positive influence on their health. Health literate people seek out information on health issues. They are also better equipped to understand and assess the information. Health literacy greatly depends on a person’s social background. Socially disadvantaged population groups often have lower levels of health literacy, Understandable health information also helps to improve an individual’s health outcome.


Vaccines protect us from various infectious diseases. For example, many childhood diseases can be prevented by vaccinating children as infants. But there are also important vaccines for teenagers and adults to protect themselves and others.

Relevant publications

Public Information
Vaccinations for children in Switzerland

__Vaccinations protect children__ Vaccinations are the most effective way of protecting children against various potentially severe illnesses, and against possible complications of these conditions. They work by imitating natural infections – but without …

5 languages
Public Information
I get a jab you get protection

Both doctors and the Federal Office of Public Health advise parents to get vaccinated against whooping cough and measles to protect their newborn and infants.

4 languages


It has been scientifically proved that exercise has a positive effects on the cardiovascular system and on many other health outcomes. But how can we encourage exercise? There are tips for all age groups, from infants to senior citizens.

Relevant publications

Public Information
Physical activity tips to do with your child - 4 to 6 years

You are probably fully aware of the fact that your child needs exercise to stay in good health. Children who get adequate physical activity are more even-tempered, sleep better and have a healthier appetite. Play and physical activity boost their selfconfi…

13 languages
Public Information
Exercise is life

The brochure is intended for people with various migration backgrounds and in different age groups, who normally get little or no exercise in their everyday lives. It provides information about exercise and sport and motivates readers to include more physi…

11 languages

Dental health

Teeth need care and attention – from the very start. Taking good care of a baby’s milk teeth is just as important as for our permanent teeth. Our personal lifestyle plays a key role in our dental health. So, it is important to have the right information about diet or smoking.

Relevant publications

Publications for professionals

Whenever refugees need dental treatment, the following guidelines from the Swiss association of cantonal chief dental officers (SACCDO) apply. Important: The rules and procedures are different from canton to canton. You are recommended to contact the cant…

6 languages
Public Information
Tips for healthy teeth

The aim of the Swiss Red Cross Healthy Teeth video is to raise awareness about good dental hygiene. The video does not have any spoken language. The prevention messages are universal and are simply great fun!

Bathing rules

Everyone has a great deal of fun in and around water. But water can kill. So, it’s important to learn to swim and follow the safety rules published by the Swiss Life Saving Association (SLRG).

Relevant publications

Public Information
River Safety Rules SLRG

The simple and memorable rules of conduct of the Swiss Lifesaving Society SLRG are directed to all people who spend time at, in and on the water. The goal of the rules is to raise awareness to water enthusiasts for the correct interaction with the wet elem…

10 languages
Public Information

In 2015, 50 people drowned in Swiss lakes and rivers, many of them asylum seekers. Learn to swim and adhere to the safety rules of the Swiss Lifesaving Society SLRG. The posters are offered individually: - as PDF for download and/or printing (resolution …

7 languages


A balanced diet has a considerable influence on our health and well-being. There are specific recommendations for certain periods, such as during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Relevant publications

Public Information
The Swiss Nutrition Chart

This Swiss Nutrition Chart provides a summary of the most important messages concerning healthy nutrition and exercise for children aged 4-12. The Chart contains recommendations for a balanced approach to food and drink. The attitudes of parents and parent…

13 languages

Sun protection

UV light can damage the skin and lead to premature ageing or even skin cancers. Staying in the shade is the best way to protect ourselves. Children’s skin is particularly sensitive and needs special attention.

Relevant links

Prevention of violence

What can be done about domestic violence? Where can women, children and elderly people get help? Leaflets and videos explain what to do, in various languages. They are targeted at the victims, but they also help to prevent abuse.

Relevant publications

Public Information
Help with tensions at home

Poster campaign against domestic violence Restrictions on movement as a result of the coronavirus pandemic may be leading to more incidences of domestic violence, and the victims may find it difficult to seek help. A taskforce set up by the Confederation …

12 languages
Public Information
Domestic violence - what to do?

Domestic violence is not a private matter. If you notice that violence is being done to you in your neighbourhood, in your circle of acquaintances or friends, or perhaps even to yourself, there are possibilities for action. A video in the following languag…

1 language

First aid

In an emergency, every second counts. What can be done? Who provides support and advice? Good information and fast action can save lives.

Relevant publications

Public Information

Würden Sie wissen, wie Sie reagieren müssen, wenn ein Freund oder Kollege Opfer eines schweren Unfalls wurde? Notfallprofis erklären in 4 Schritten, wie man eine Wiederbelebung durchführt.

2 languages
Public Information
What now? - Help and advice for victims of violence

In general, Switzerland is a safe country. But even here crimes are committed – not only in public places like parks and bars, on trains or buses or at railway stations, but also in the privacy of the home and on the internet. The police are there for yo…

10 languages
Public Information
Victim Support Switzerland

Victim support is available in the event of: threats, family violence, domestic violence, bodily harm, human trafficking, robbery, sexual abuse, sexual assault, stalking, homicide, rape, traffic accident, forced marriage and other situations. Brief inform…

4 languages